Tuesday 9 July 2013

9th july

We are going to think about the film we are going to record. In the group I am with Maider, Aroa, Esti, Ane M, Ane U, June. Our films is going to be a comedy and action. It is going to be about a girl and her live.

GAME: categories

1-Names of superheroes in movies:
Capitan America
2-The best comides you waches
Dando la nota
NiƱos grandes
Scary movie1
Scary movie2
Scary movie3
Scary movie4
Scary movie5
Sister act
Carry on Screamin
The huinger games
3- How many trilogies do youy a now?
The diary of Niki+
4-Cartoon Movies
Mounstros university
Phineas and Ferb
Dora la exploradora
Mickey Mouse
Pepa pig
Juanand Tolola




  • Horror:  Scream, The others
  • Comedy: There's Something About Mary
  • Action: Jaws
  • Thriller: The Sixth Sense
  • Adventure: Narnia, Ice age
  • Romantic: Pretty  Woman, Titanic, Twilight 
  • Sience Fiction: Resident Evil, Star Wars,The Lord of the Rings
  • War: Saving private Ryan, Matrix, Braveheart
  • Musical: Moulin Rouge, American Pie
  • Western: The Good, the Bad and the Ungly, The Magnificent Seven

Monday 8 July 2013

Old and new films

 The imposible film is a new film and itis very interesting and has got  colour.

"Escena del trafico del puerto" is a very old film and it isn`t very interesting because it hasn`t got any action....And it hasn`t got colour.

Birth of cinema

1-The first picture ever taken was in 1826. What colours can you see?
A) Black and brown
B) White and black
C) Blue and black.

2-In 1878 Eadweard Muybridge created the firs "motion picture" on a farm in California.
What animal did he photograph?
A) Dog
B) Tiger
C) Horse

3-Who are the Lumiere brothers?


4-Which was the first film ever produced and exhibited to the pulbic?


5-Search in youtube THE SPRINKLER SPRINKLED. Whet do you think it is:
A) Horror film
B) Western
C) Comedy
D) Romantic

6-Why is  George Melies famous?
A) Because he was a very good teacher.
B) Because he was the "father" of special effects
C) He was the King of Great Britian

7-Search in youtube LE MANOIR DU DIABLE. What do you think it is?
A) Comedy
B) Adventure
C) Horror
D) Drama

8-Search in youtube ATRIP TO THE MOON. What do you think it is?
A) Thiriller
B) Comedy
C) Science Fiction
D) Western

9-What this video. It is the first sound movie released in 1926.

Birth of Cinema

This week we are going to learn about everything about cinema.

Friday 5 July 2013

My week

 This week we went to the mountain and we  learned English in 3 classroms, we made orienting and we enjoiyed a lot.

My fauvorite music band

My fauvorite music band is one direction because the boys are very beautiful and they sing very good!

my poster


Today is  Ritas birthday and she has fallen and she has gone to the hospital.

Liam Pyne

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Tuesday 2 July 2013